We are a group
of psychologists that created a proposal to work with loss, grief
and bereavement, as from the experience of those who have lived
such history.
We work based on the principles
of Clinical and Health Psychology. Our professional experience came
from clinics, hospitals, research institutes, among others.
Gabriela Casellato B.F. Santos, CRP-06/48701-7
Psychologist, Master and Phd. degree
in the Clinical Psychology Program of the Pontifical Catholic
University of São Paulo (PUC-SP); co-founder, teacher and
supervisor of 4 Estações Instituto de Psicologia;
member of IPÊ – Psychological Interventions for Emergency;
member of ADEC - Association for Death Education and Counseling;
qualified in Hypnotherapy Techniques by the São Paulo Milton
Erickson Institute. Author of chapters about attachment and bereavement
in books and editor of the books "Dor silenciosa ou dor silenciada?
Perdas e lutos não reconhecidos por enlutados e sociedade"
(Publisher: Livro Pleno, Campinas, 2005) and "O Resgate da
empatia: suporte psicológico ao luto não reconhecido"
(Publisher: Summus, 2015).
[email protected]
Mazorra Santos e Mello Franco, CRP-06/53780-3
Psychologist, Master and Phd. degree in
the Clinical Psychology Program of the Pontifical Catholic University
of São Paulo (PUC-SP), Specialist in Clinical Psychology
and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy by the Comillas Pontifical University,
Madrid, Spain. Co-founder, teacher and supervisor of 4 Estações
Instituto de Psicologia, member of LELu, member of IPÊ, participated
in training at Winston's Wish, Gloucester – England. Co-author
of the book "O dia em que o passarinho não cantou"
(Publisher: Livro Pleno, 2000), co-editor of the book "Luto
na Infância: Intervenções Psicológicas
em Diferentes Contextos" (Publisher: Livro Pleno, Campinas,
2005) and of a chapter in a book.
[email protected] |
Ulbricht Tinoco, CRP-06/53670-7
Psychologist, Master and Phd. degree in
the Clinical Psychology Program of the Pontifical Catholic University
of São Paulo (PUC-SP), co-founder, teacher and supervisor
of 4 Estações Instituto de Psicologia, member of LELu,
specialist in Brief Psychotherapy by the Sedes Sapientiae Institute,
co-author of the book "O dia em que o passarinho não
cantou" (Publisher: Livro Pleno, 2000) co-editor of the book
"Luto na Infância: Intervenções Psicológicas
em Diferentes Contextos" (Publisher: Livro Pleno, Campinas,
2005) and of chapter in a book.
[email protected] |
Register in CRP/06: PJ 2532
T.I.N.: 05192913/0001-70
Rua Dr. Melo Alves, 89 - conj. 202
Jardim Paulista - CEP: 01417-010 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil
e-mail: [email protected]
phone : (55 11) 3891-2576 |